Business Owners need Good Lawyers

Growing a business is these uncertain economic and pandemic times require the best possible legal advice for business owners, even in small economies like Zimbabwe. A business owner must get legal advice, representation and services from commercial lawyers for compliance and growth purposes.

Most black owned businesses look for a lawyer when things go wrong, or faced with a situation that requires a legal mind that is a necessity for a certain transaction or project. This is not advisable. It is better to always have a Lawyer on retainer, who then prepares you the business owner for any legal situation in business, helping you to navigate your growth trajectory.

Corporate, Commercial or Business Lawyers are experts in corporate law and commercial law. They understand the subtle differences between corporations and how to best use them for a variety of purposes. Commercial lawyers also support companies in a variety of transactions that impede business operations, and protect their clients’ interests in corporate transactions, employment law, and litigation.

Having a Corporate Lawyer helps you as a business owner, to add value to the company by the right way of doing procedures called Compliance. In the corporate world, it is defined as the process of ensuring that your company and your employees adhere to all laws, regulations, standards and ethical practices that apply to your company and your industry. An example is the current compliance regulations for retail outlets and offices, popularly known as “the Covid protocols”, that business and property owners are required to have.

Commercial lawyers help companies establish themselves as a business and providing them with solutions for any legal issue that would stand in their way. They also help business owners with the most delicate issues as it relates to financial decisions that may legally affects the business and its employees.

All types of companies need a lawyer to provide legal advice on issues such as contracts. All types of commerce require different levels of negotiation, document preparation, and review. Most business owners lack the knowledge and experience needed to handle various legal aspects of their business operations. Hiring a qualified lawyer to handle your business can have significant benefits in document preparation, legal protection, and protection of your business interests.

Among the enterprise topics that attorneys are typically employed for are negotiating and reviewing legally binding agreements. There are numerous contracts that enterprise proprietors may also input starting from hire to partnership agreements. The procedure of making enterprise contracts entails changing facts among distinctive parties. This precedes discussions, negotiations and ultimately signing an agreement. Business layers may be employed to supervise the procedure and get concerned with negotiating the contracts. They make certain that the agreement is legitimate so as for it to be legally binding.

Some of the common areas of assistance that business lawyers provide include deciding on a business structure; receiving finance from an external source; signing deals, contracts, or leases as well as the negotiations for these; developing a hiring process; being involved in Merger and Acquisition (M&A); protection of intellectual property.

In Zimbabwe, there are many seasoned law firms that cater for small, medium, and large-scale businesses. Zimbabwe, as lucrative an investment destination, is an economy with many regulations, restrictions, terms and conditions that having a lawyer from start of business, throughout the growth cycle, is a very good business decision.

Amongst these seasoned law firms, is Warara and Associates, established in April 2000, by Charles Warara.

Warara and Associates is a legal firm based in Harare, whose core business is all legal work, from Civil, Commercial, Conveyancing, and Criminal work, for individuals, families, corporates, government departments, and none commercial organisations. Warara and Associates was conceived through relationship, strengthened by professionalism, gain respect and confidence, to become efficient in service.

Charles Warara has been a legal practitioner for Twenty-Seven (27) years, and has been widely exposed to a variety of cases, businesses, and criminal work in Zimbabwe. He has also handled international work as a correspondent.  He is an award-winning lawyer and holder of the Walter Kamba Rule of Law Award for a ground breaking case in Criminal Litigation.

Warara and Associates has helped many small business owners to grow their businesses, and serves a diverse clientele. Some of the clients served by Warara and Associates include the Commercial Bank of Zimbabwe (CBZ Bank) Limited, Marondera Rural District Council, Scotia Holdings (Private) Limited, Association of Rural District Councils, Chegutu Rural District Council, Chaminuka Rural District Council, Hwedza Rural District Council, Nyaradzo Funeral Assurance Company Limited, Mudzi Rural District Council, Amalgamated Motor Corporation (AMC), Chegutu Municipality, Bindura Rural District Council, Nyanga Rural District Council, Makoni Rural District Council, Eureka Insurance Brokers (Private) Limited, Faith Printers (Private) Limited, Chinhoyi Municipality, Bulilima Rural District Council, and Gokwe Town Council.

They have different types of clients, – once-off clients, because they have just one issues to be handled, and retainer-based clients. The focus of Warara and Associates is to have a relationship with clients, whether they have cases pending or not, and because of that they have retainer clients, who retain their services, and can access services as and when required.

Warara and Associates, as are many law firms globally, are there to help business owners grow their businesses, with wisdom, compliance, and building a good reputation, all affecting profitability of the business.

Sources:,, the business news magazine by Habten Media LLC, is a dynamic platform for small business owners in the United States, delivering fresh and comprehensive business news.

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